Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cleaning the Coffee Pot

When I was younger I was fearless, I could drink anything that resembled coffee. Highway gas stations, college cafeteria, some friend’s apartment. Anything containing caffeine was ok. Even In my own place where I lived with my little brother (7 years older than me) where we drank for years some strange liquid we called coffee. Then a friend from Venezuela came for some days and teached me the ancient secret of making coffee on the stove. It was definitely light years from what i used to drink and now knowing the secret I mastered. BUT it didn’t look cool. I wanted a coffee maker machine, so I ended getting one. And it served well for years and years. And the pot started to transform from a very attractive transparent glass to a very not so much attractive opaque marmit.

Yes, now I know it didn’t have to be that way, but, you know I washed it all the time and never came out that buildup, so I tried to ignore it.

But now I know better, so now I now bring to your the ancient chinese secret of how to clean a coffee pot. 

  1. Fill the pot with ⅔ of water and ⅓ vinegar. If you think it won’t be strong enough, make it half and half.
  2. Put a filter in your coffee maker.
  3. Put the mixture of water and vinegar in the deposit for water.
  4. Turn on the coffee maker and let it filter all the mix
  5. Discard
  6. Let the coffee maker cool, then wash the pot with warm water.
  7. Repeat a second time, but now with just water to make sure the vinegar is gone.

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