Monday, March 11, 2013

Some Good Reasons to Drink Coffee

Coffee drinkers: rejoice. In addition to the effects that we all love, coffee might be extending our life.
No matter how you enjoy it, new research suggests that drinking coffee, even in large amounts, may help you live longer.

This study does not prove that the Coffee is productive, but suggests that heavy drinking is not dangerous if you're healthy.

Among women, drinking two to three cup of coffee a day was associated with a 18% reduction in deaths from any cause while drinking four to five cups was associated with a 26% risk reduction.

Risk reduction in men was lower and it may be by chance.

"We can not say from this study that coffee extends your life, but apparently it does not increase the risk of death for healthy people, "says Dr. Esther Lopez-Garcia, a researcher at the University of Madrid.

Coffee, Caffeine and Health

Evidence pointing to the benefits of coffee continues to grow, with studies linking regular consumption with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even conditions such as Parkinson's disease and colon 


But some studies also suggest that coffee drinking is associated with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke in people who already have a heart condition, and even then, the American Heart Association concluded that moderate consumption, defined as one or two cups a day does not seem to be dangerous.

Explored Coffee Benefits.

has been suggested that coffee may protect against heart disease by reducing inflammation. Coffee has also been shown to reduce levels of blood sugar which is beneficial effect on people with risk of diabetes.
For many people, coffee is the main source of compounds as polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidant.

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